MAHABHARATA Day 7 | Episode 7 - Dronacharya gives a tough task

MAHABHARATA Day 7 | Episode 7 – Dronacharya gives a tough task



Day 8 | Episode 7 – Dronacharya gives a tough task

📍It won’t take more than 3 minutes to read this piece of gold.


Drona asks guru-dakshina to all the Kuru Princes.

He asks them to visit Kingdom Panchal & bring him King Drupad as a captive(Kaidi)


All Kuru princes ask to Drona, Why?

Drona replies –

MAHABHARATA Day 6 | Episode 6 – War is real

We were together in college. We used to be the best friends. During college days, he promised me that he will offer me half of his Kingdom as he was a prince.


After few years I went back to him and asked him to fulfill his promise.

But Drupad laughed at me and made me feel humiliated. He said, “who are you? I don’t even remember you. I can’t be the best friend of such poor man”.


Drona replied to him that, “Drupad remember, one day will have to pay the price of this humiliation.

This is the reason why Drona was asking all the Kuru princes to bring Drupad as a captive.


All Kuru Princes agrees and they leave to attack on Kingdom Panchal.

Firstly Duryodhana and kauravas attacked but they failed against Panchal army.


MAHABHARATA Day 7 | Episode 7 – Dronacharya gives a tough task

Seeing this, Pandavas now decided to attack on Panchal Kingdom.

Bheema with his mace,
yudhishthira with his spear,
Arjuna with his archery skills,
Nakul Sahdev with their swords,

MAHABHARATA Day 5 | Episode 5 – The Dronacharya entry

thrashed all the Panchal Kingdom army.Image

A fierce fight between Arjuna & dhrupad happened and finally they manage to bring Drupad as a captive to the feet of Dronacharya.

Humiliated Drupad says sorry for his behaviour to Drona.

MAHABHARATA Day 7 | Episode 7 - Dronacharya gives a tough task

Drona replies to Drupad, “you are my captive now. Your whole Kingdom is mine, but I am a Brahmin, I will forgive you for your mistake”

Drona further says,

I will take your half Kingdom only. You can rule other half of the kingdom. Now you can go.Image

King Drupad gets extremely humiliated by this. With all the unspoken anger, he starts keeping an eye on Kuru dynasty & Drona to take the revenge.


That’s the end of EPISODE 7.

Need your support so that I’ll stay motivated in this journey. We meet tomorrow with next part of the story♥️


MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 – The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas

MAHABHARATA Day 7 | Episode 7 – Dronacharya gives a tough task

MAHABHARATA Day 3 | Episode 3 – Pandavas & Kauravas Arrival


MAHABHARATA Day 7 | Episode 7 – Dronacharya gives a tough task

MAHABHARATA Day 8 | Episode 8 – The fight for the CROWN

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