MAHABHARATA Day 10 | Episode 10 - The arrival of Hidimba


Episode 10 – The arrival of Hidimba


In this page you will find the MAHABHARATA Day 10 | Episode 10 – The arrival of Hidimba.

📍It won’t take more than 3 minutes to read this piece of gold.MAHABHARATA Day 10

  • 📍Today’s character introductionHidimb : The powerful deamon
    Hidimba : His sister, also a deamon
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  • So now, as we discussed in last episode, 
  • Kunti & Pandvas are deep inside a jungle after running away from Lakshyagriha. Where Bheema is awake only, meanwhile all other brothers & Kunti were in deep sleep.
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  • Deep inside the jungle there lived a ferocious demons name Hidimb and Hidimba. They used to eat human flesh. They had power to change there forms at will. They were also able to perform magic.
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  • The sweet smell of flesh of Pandavas and Kunti, woke him up. He called his sister Hidimba & asked her to bring that flesh for him. 
  • Hidimba who was also hungry, agreed.

MAHABHARATA Day 10 | Episode 10 – The arrival of Hidimba

  • Image MAHABHARATA Day 10
  • After going for hunt of a human, she found out handsome Bheema sitting there. She instantly falls in love with him. She decides to make him her husband. 
  • Hidimba magically changes her form into a beautiful woman with well dressed form & jewellery to seduce Bheema.
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  • After this Hidimba goes to Bhima and asks him, hey man who are these men and woman sleeping beside you?
  • Bheema gets surprised by seeing such a beautiful pretty woman in a big forest. He gets quite suspicious at her. He asks her, who are you?
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  • Hidimba replies, I am the sister of the ruler of this forest hidimb. He sent me to fetch all of you so that he can eat human flesh.
  • But the moment I saw you I fell in love with you. Can you please marry me Bheema?
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  • Bheema gets angry at her and says to her,hey you ferocious deamon, I can’t live my brother & mother here in jungle alone to marry with you & let your brother eat all of them. You please leave.
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  • During this conversation hidimb himself arrives there. The moment he sees hidimba flirting with Bheema, he gets really angry.
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    MAHABHARATA Day 10 ShareMeBook Share Me Book
    • Hidimb starts abusing to his sister. Looking at this, Bheema gets really angry & tremendous fight starts between hidimb and Bheema.
    • As obvious, Bheema wins the battle and ends the life of Hidimb forever by killing him.
    • Hearing this voice, Kunti wake up while Hidimba was standing just beside her.
  • Hidimba explains to Kunti, she wants to marry Bhima.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 5 | Episode 5 – The Dronacharya entry
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    Further she explains, I have abandoned my family just to marry your son. Please accept me as your daughter-in-law & let me take bheema with me. I promise you, I will return him to you whenever you want.

  • Yudhishthira puts a condition in front of Hidimba -You can marry him but you have to promise me that he will spend a day with you and every evening he will come back to us.
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  • Bhima also puts a condition to Hidimba –
    I will marry you but I’ll stay with you only until you have a son.Hidimba agrres to both the condition & they get married.
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  • In due course of time, Hidimba gave birth to a son. he turned out as a demon & his name was Ghatotkacha.Ghatotkacha was extremely powerful like Bheema & he had also magical abilities like his mom Hidimba.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 6 | Episode 6 – War is real
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  • MAHABHARATA Day 8 | Episode 8 – The fight for the CROWN


  • After this, ghatotkachya goes to meet his grand mother and Pandavas uncles. Informs them that they can call him anytime if they need any sort of help.
  • With this Bheema and Hidimba separates. Hidimba along with Ghatothkacha flows back to Northern Himalayas.
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  • During this long period, all the Pandavas grew up long beards & hairs with the clothes from bark of the tree. 
  • They all started looking like a brahmin sages of Forest.
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  • One day they met their father Vyasa. He told them that they are still not out of danger. They should hide themselves for some more days. 
  • He took all of them to a village name Ekchakra to a Brahmin’s house.
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  • Pandavas started living their life in that village until further instructions from Vyasa.
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  • That’s the end of episode 10. MAHABHARATA Day 10 ShareMeBook Share Me Book
  • MAHABHARATA Day 9 | Episode 9 – The story of Lakshagriha

  • MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 – DRAUPADI’s Swayamvara

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