MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara


Mahabharata Day 11 | Episode 11 – DRAUPADI’s Swayamvara

Hi Reader, MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 – DRAUPADI’s Swayamvara

📍It won’t take more than 3 minutes to read this piece of gold

📍Today’s character introduction

•Priest Dhaumya of Pandvas
•Balrama the brother of KrishnaMAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 – DRAUPADI’s Swayamvara

So as we discussed before, now Pandavas and Kunti were living in a small village named Ekchakra.

One day a brahmin from Panchal Kingdom of King Drupada, visits them & informs about Swayamvara of DRAUPADI.MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

As far as Pandavas knew that king Drupada had no daughter. Brahmin explains that her birth is quite a secret.

Brahmin didn’t know that he was talking with Pandavas.Image

Drupada always wanted a powerful son to take a revenge from Dronacharya.

So he requested sages to offer him something so that he gets a powerful son.Image MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

His wife & Drupada chanted mantras around fire near Yamuna river & they got rewarded by a powerful son named Dhrishtadyumna.

It was prophesized that Dhrishtadyumna will destroy Drona.Image

After this a beautiful woman with dark complexion came out from The fire, named Krishna. As she was the daughter of the Draupada, she was named as DRAUPADI.

It was prophesized that Draupadi will be the cause of the end of KAURAVAS.
Image MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 – DRAUPADI’s Swayamvara

Hearing about the beauty of Draupadi, all Pandavas get excited about her Swayamvara.

Kunti and Pandava decide to move to Panchal, Vyasa also permits them so.Image MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

They arrive in capital of Panchal Campalia, with the Pandavas priest Dhaumya.

Swayamvara day arrives. With many princes from all over, Pandavas also attends it.

Image MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara
MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 – DRAUPADI’s Swayamvara

KRISHNA was also their as a guest.

Draupadi arrives in the hall. seeing her unparallel beauty & intoxicating fragrance, every male in the hall gets mad for her. They starts shouting, “You are mine Draupadi”.

In between this, Krishna noticed 5 handsome brothers sitting in clothes of sages with long beard.MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

Next moment he recognises them that, they are Pandavas.

He Drew Balrama’s attention & whispered in his ear. Look there, they are Pandvas!MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara

  • To win Draupadi in Swayamvara there was extremely difficult test for all the princes.
  • You have to hit fish’s eye through a hole in rotating disc around it.
  • But you can’t look directly, you can look only into its reflection in water.🤯
  • MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara
  • Duryodhana tries but fails.
  • Karna goes to try & everyone knew he gonna succeed in it due to his epic archery skills but at last moment, Draupadi stops him.
  • She says, “Sorry, I don’t want to marry a charioteer’s son”. Karna leaves humiliated.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 11 | Episode 11 - DRAUPADI's Swayamvara
  • At the end, one handsome, long bearded young man comes for the challenge.

His easily does lifts the heavy bow & shoots fish’s eye with perfection. everyone gets shocked. He was ARJUNA.

Draupadi accepts him and both of them get happily married.

That’s the end of Episode 11.

This story is getting gripped now. Don’t lose ur seats. Do Retweet, so that it reaches to many. We meet tomorrow with next thrilling♥️ 

• • •


MAHABHARATA Day 9 | Episode 9 – The story of Lakshagriha


MAHABHARATA Day 10 | Episode 10 – The arrival of Hidimba

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