MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas


Episode 4 –

The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas



Hare Krishna ! Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!! MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 – The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas 📍It won’t take more than 3 minutes to read this piece of gold.

MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 – The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas

MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas 📍It won't take more than 3 minutes to read this piece of gold.
  • Due to good nature of Pandavas, they got quite famous in Hastinapur. So it was obvious that the new king will be Yudhishthir (Eldest among 5 Pandavas) Duryodhana (Eldest among Kauravas) wasn’t happy with this as he was ambitious to be the new king.
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 – The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
  • Bheema who was extremely powerful so he used to bully Kauravas but it was all in humour. Duryodhana was frustrated by this, so he & his brother makes a plan to kill Bheema.
Bheema who was extremely powerful so he used to bully Kauravas but it was all in humour. Duryodhana was frustrated by this, so he & his brother makes a plan to kill Bheema.
  • He takes all the Pandavas for picnic near river side. Offers them extremely good food. After the meal, he asks Bheema to come with him & have some more food as Bheema used to eat lot more compare to others.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 1 | Episode 1 – The Start
He takes all the Pandavas for picnic near river side. Offers them extremely good food. After the meal, he asks Bheema to come with him & have some more food as Bheema used to eat lot more compare to others.
  • Innocent Bheema goes with him & Duryodhana offers him tasty dishes but full of deadly POISON. Bheema gets into a deep sleep after some time. Duryodhana & his brother ties his hands & throws him in the river.
Innocent Bheema goes with him & Duryodhana offers him tasty dishes but full of deadly POISON. Bheema gets into a deep sleep after some time. Duryodhana & his brother ties his hands & throws him in the river.
  • After that all leaves for Hastinapur, there Yudhishthira asks, ‘Where is Bheema?’ Duryodhana replies, “powerful Son of Vayu (Bheema) said to us that, he will reach to Hastinapur before us, without using chariot, he has left for Hastinapur already” Yudhishthira agrees.


MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
  • River currents takes Bheema’s body into the land of Nagas (serpents). Serpents didn’t like a huge human in their own region so they struck him several time with their deadly venom. But this venom acted as ANTIDOTE to the poison in Bheema’s body & he woke up.
River currents takes Bheema's body into the land of Nagas (serpents). Serpents didn't like a huge human in their own region so they struck him several time with their deadly venom. But this venom acted as ANTIDOTE to the poison in Bheema's body & he woke up.
  • Bheema broke the ropes he was tied with. He thrashed all serpents. Serpents went to their king Vasuki for complaining against Bheema. But king Vasuki recognised Bheema as the son of Kunti & Pandu. So he welcomed him to there palace.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 2 | Episode 2 – Bhishma’s Arrogance
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 – The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
  • Meantime Kunti & Pandavas got really worried, they knew that Duryodhana has lied to them. But Vidura said to Kunti that, “Don’t worry, Bheema is extremely powerful & Ved Vyasa already told that he will have a long life”
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
  • After 8 long days, Bheema woke up with immense strength due to Nagas land’s water. He went back to Hastinapur. He told everything to Kunti & all Pandavas were stunned. She didn’t expect that Duryodhana & brothers will go to such an extent.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 3 | Episode 3 – Pandavas & Kauravas Arrival
MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas
  • Kunti tell all Pandavas that we should not complaint about this to anyone & but we should stay aware because Duryodhana will strike again. Duryodhana was also shocked seeing Bheema alive. He started to plot some other plans against Pandavas.
Kunti tell all Pandavas that we should not complaint about this to anyone & but we should stay aware because Duryodhana will strike again. Duryodhana was also shocked seeing Bheema alive. He started to plot some other plans against Pandavas.
  • That’s the end of DAY 4. I hope you finding the story INTERESTING till now & EASY to understand. Please suggest any improvements if u want. We meet tomorrow with the next part❤️
  • Please note that, Currently all of the Kauravas & Pandavas are really young. Some of the images I used are misleading. They all are still teenagers. Can sense it through this image. Correct one.


MAHABHARATA Day 4 | Episode 4 - The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas


Day 4 | Episode 4 – The Beginning of Pandavas vs Kauravas

📍It won’t take more than 3 minutes to read this piece of gold.

MAHABHARATA Day 3 | Episode 3 – Pandavas & Kauravas Arrival

  • Due to good nature of Pandavas, they got quite famous in Hastinapur. So it was obvious that the new king will be Yudhishthir (Eldest among 5 Pandavas)
  • Duryodhana (Eldest among Kauravas) wasn’t happy with this as he was ambitious to be the new king.
  • Bheema who was extremely powerful so he used to bully Kauravas but it was all in humour.
  • Duryodhana was frustrated by this, so he & his brother makes a plan to kill Bheema.
  • He takes all the Pandavas for picnic near river side. Offers them extremely good food.
  • After the meal, he asks Bheema to come with him & have some more food as Bheema used to eat lot more compare to others.
  • Innocent Bheema goes with him & Duryodhana offers him tasty dishes but full of deadly POISON.
  • Bheema gets into a deep sleep after some time. Duryodhana & his brother ties his hands & throws him in the river.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 1 | Episode 1 – The Start
  • After that all leaves for Hastinapur, there Yudhishthira asks, ‘Where is Bheema?’
  • Duryodhana replies, “powerful Son of Vayu (Bheema) said to us that, he will reach to Hastinapur before us, without using chariot, he has left for Hastinapur already”
  • Yudhishthira agrees.
  • River currents takes Bheema’s body into the land of Nagas (serpents). Serpents didn’t like a huge human in their own region so they struck him several time with their deadly venom.
  • But this venom acted as ANTIDOTE to the poison in Bheema’s body & he woke up.
  • Bheema broke the ropes he was tied with. He thrashed all serpents.
  • Serpents went to their king Vasuki for complaining against Bheema. But king Vasuki recognised Bheema as the son of Kunti & Pandu.
  • So he welcomed him to there palace.
  • MAHABHARATA Day 2 | Episode 2 – Bhishma’s Arrogance
  • They offered him famous drink of Nagas land from 8 different pools, which was intoxicating drink & extremely powerful.
  • Huge Bheema drank all 8 of them. After drinking this, Bheema slept & didn’t wake up for 8 long days.
  • Meantime Kunti & Pandavas got really worried, they knew that Duryodhana has lied to them.
  • But Vidura said to Kunti that, “Don’t worry, Bheema is extremely powerful & Ved Vyasa already told that he will have a long life”
  • After 8 long days, Bheema woke up with immense strength due to Nagas land’s water. He went back to Hastinapur.
  • He told everything to Kunti & all Pandavas were stunned. She didn’t expect that Duryodhana & brothers will go to such an extent.
  • Kunti tell all Pandavas that we should not complaint about this to anyone & but we should stay aware because Duryodhana will strike again.
  • Duryodhana was also shocked seeing Bheema alive. He started to plot some other plans against Pandavas.
  • That’s the end of DAY 4.
  • I hope you finding the story INTERESTING till now & EASY to understand. Please suggest any improvements if u want. We meet tomorrow with the next part❤️
  • Please note that,
  • Currently all of the Kauravas & Pandavas are really young. Some of the images I used are misleading.
  • They all are still teenagers. Can sense it through this image. Correct one.


MAHABHARATA Day 3 | Episode 3 – Pandavas & Kauravas Arrival

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